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(Photo by Natasha Wiebe)

One morning during my commute to Weyburn, I noticed a new landmark just off the highway in the small community of Ralph. A boat was buried, nose down, into the ground. I went to investigate one day and found a local of Ralph, Hedley Crowther, had planted the boat there to do just what it had done: attract attention.  

‘We just kind of put the boat in there for people to look at and kind of same idea as the Cadillac Ranch, we welcome people to kind of come in, spray paint it, paint their name on it, do whatever.” 

The project was mostly for laughs, but also serves to make people more aware of the small community. Crowther says he hopes it becomes a longstanding attraction.  

“We had the boat laying around because you can't get it seaworthy anymore, so we just kind of figured it was a good idea to do it.” 

Crowther welcomes visitors to see the boat but asks them to park on the grass in order to keep the road clear.  
