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Reece Fehr with his portable Gatorade stand in support of family friend, Adrian Hofer.

Reece Fehr is a 12 year old on a mission. After learning that a family friend, Adrian Hofer, was diagnosed with cancer, he set out to raise funds to help Hofer through his cancer journey. 

Fehr has set up a portable Gatorade stand with all profits going to Hofer. He has been attending his parents slow pitch games at the Winkler baseball diamonds this summer. So far, he has raised more than $600. 

"I've been doing it since the start of the slow pitch season. [Adrian] is a part of my dad's team, the Inglorious Batters. He's a really good ball player and I really just want to support him on his journey.” 

Hofer was diagnosed in May of this year. Due to his illness, he is unable to work for the foreseeable future. This sudden loss of income has placed a significant financial strain on the family, especially with the added expenses of fuel and travel for Hofer’s frequent medical appointments. Fehr says he wants to do what he can to help and will be at every slow pitch game this summer to support his friend. 

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Adrian Hofer (left) with Reece Fehr (right) at the Winkler baseball diamonds.

“I just like supporting people and helping them through hard times.” Fehr adds that he has had his parents full support through the fundraising efforts. The support of the baseball community at the diamonds has been overwhelming as well, Fehr says, "A bunch of people have just been saying 'keep the change'."

A GoFundMe page has been started for the Hofer family. Click here to show your support.

