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Kate Hagens from High River has been awarded a trip to Europe this month. (artwork supplied)
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Kate Hagens from High River has been awarded a trip to Europe this month. (artwork supplied)

A High River student has been awarded the prestigious Beaverbrook Vimy Prize.

Along with 13 otherĀ studentsĀ from Canada, the U.K., and France, Kate Hagens, a high school student in High River, was awarded the opportunity after applying.

The Beaverbrook Vimy Prize program is an educational opportunity for youth between the ages of 15 and 17 with a focus on pivotal moments in both of the World Wars.

The five-step process is time-consuming with each student asked to submit an essay, art analysis, personal statement video, resume, and a letter of reference.

Hagens will now head to Europe from this Sunday, August 11 until August 20. The 9-day program will include visiting historic sites, museums, cemeteries, and historic battlefields from both World Wars in France and Belgium.

The Vimy Foundation is a Canadian First World War Historical Foundation formed in 2006 and is a charity focused on raising awareness of the role our country played in the First World War. The Allies' victory at Vimy Ridge, France in April 1917 was a milestone moment as Canada was recognized on the world stage for many heroic campaigns in the theatre of war.