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Volunteers Building Porch

The Habitat for Humanity home being built in Winkler is progressing faster than expected, and it’s thanks to all the trades that have volunteered to help - according to Manager of Chapter Support for Habitat for Humanity Christina Falk.  

“We have had so many trades come forward for this build and help us with a building day here or there and doing lots of the pieces that often take us a longer time to do, so we are just super thankful for that” 

Along with the volunteer trades that have come to help, everyday citizens have stepped forward as well to see this project complete. Ben Klymochko – Manager of Warranty and Chapter Build Support with Habitat Manitoba says, “Anybody can do this. I always say at Habitat, we have a job for everybody. Whether it’s holding up a ladder or fastening joists, there’s work for everybody.” 

Local officials have also been standing firmly behind Habitat’s cause; Carrie Hiebert – MLA for Morden-Winkler was at the site yesterday in a show of support for the volunteers on site. “It’s been great to see the community come together from all over the province, people have been coming to work on this House for this family, it’s really exciting to see.” 

Though the original projected finish date for the Winkler build was December of this year, with the pace that it is moving, Falk says they expect that they will finish the build sooner and hope to announce the new finish date in a few weeks.  

Falk went on to discuss plans for once work on this build is completed. “We are never done work at Habitat for Humanity...this house is wrapping up in the next few months, but we are hoping to choose another family in the next few starting in fall.” 

Click below to hear the full interview with Christina Falk, as well as statements by Ben Klymochko and MLA of Morden-Winkler Carrie Hiebert 

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