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A senior member of the Weyburn Police Service last Monday pulled over an erratic driver, and suspected impairment by drug.

Constable Dallas Austin shared what typically happens after that.

"That's when a D.R.E. would generally come in, one of our drug recognition experts, and they would determine what drug," he said. "Unfortunately in this situation, there was no D.R.E., so the officer went with a blood demand."

This means they were sent to the hospital to have blood drawn. Had a Drug Recognition Expert been available, the tests and observations would have been conducted at the police station.

The person was charged with impaired driving, released from custody, and the blood results will determine which drug was impairing the driver. This could impact the severity or specificity of the charges.

"Depending on the drug, there's a zero tolerance when it comes to different drugs." 

Read more about drivers impaired by drugs in the related article links below.
