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The Town of Nanton has lowered their flags to half mast in honour of a Rocky View County employee who was killed earlier this week.

The Towns of Nanton, Diamond Valley, and Okotoks are honouring a Rocky View County staff member who was recently killed.

Colin Hough died following a shooting near Strathmore on Tuesday, August 6, which also left a FortisAlberta employee with injuries.

The Towns have lowered their flags to half-mast as a tribute to Hough.

"Mr. Hough was a valued member of the Rocky View County staff. Council and staff extend their condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues," reads a Facebook post from the Town.

The Town of Okotoks also has their flags lowered to honour the Alberta firefighter Morgan Kitchen who recently passed away while fighting the fires in the Jasper area, and they will have their flags lowered until dusk on August 17th.

The Town's flags will remain at half-mast until next week.