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Colleen Sostorics, a celebrated three-time Olympic gold medalist inspired the next generation of female hockey players at Affinity Place this week.

Colleen Sostorics, a celebrated three-time Olympic gold medalist, shared her expertise and inspiration at the inaugural All Girls Hockey Camp held at Affinity Place.

“On the ice, to see these girls light up and understand that they can be strong, powerful, and have fun while getting better at the sport was a very empowering day,” Sostorics said.

Sostorics, who won gold medals at the Salt Lake City, Turin, and Vancouver Olympics, brought her Olympic medals to the camp, allowing the young players to hold them and connect with her remarkable achievements. 

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The four-day workshop combined on-ice training with yoga, nutrition, and personal development, aiming to empower young female hockey players. 

“I put them through drills and skills that are the fundamentals of hockey, always encouraging a growth mentality. Every time we’re on the ice, we try to get a little bit better. This gradual improvement helps build new skills, and that mentality is important for achieving dreams and goals in hockey and in life,” Sostorics explained. 

She also highlighted the significance of the camp’s summer timing. “Even being able to come to the rink and lace up our skates in the summer is an amazing opportunity.” 

Reflecting on her own experience from Kennedy, Saskatchewan, where female hockey camps were scarce, Sostorics stressed the value of resilience. “There will always be setbacks, but those can make us better. It’s what we do after a setback that really matters.” 

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Sostorics praised Affinity Place as an excellent venue and expressed appreciation for the community’s support. “Shout out to the facility and to Estevan for hosting this all-girls hockey camp. These initiatives will benefit the community for years to come, and I’m just happy to be a part of it.” 

Emphasizing the importance of inspiring young players to pursue their dreams, Sostorics said, “ “We're here to inspire them to be the best them that they can be. And if that's Olympians, great. If that's another dream. Great. I just really love seeing the girls working hard and excelling at something.” 

She concluded by emphasizing the importance of unity within the hockey community to ensure Canada remains a leader in the sport. "We all love gold medals, so let's keep working together to achieve them."
