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Canola field at Yellow Grass Sk
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The crop report is put together through numerous volunteers reporting their conditions.

With farmers keeping a close eye on conditions with harvest just around the corner, the Saskatchewan government is giving weekly updates on the state of the Saskatchewan agricultural landscape.

These weekly reports are put together by volunteers who report the conditions on their own farms to give the province a clearer picture.

Mehgan Rosso, a crop extension specialist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, says plenty of types of agricultural producers can help out.

"A crop reporter is a volunteer, it comprises various people, including producers, ranchers, as well as many other people that are involved within the agriculture industry."

That information is important for figuring out how Saskatchewan is faring in different regions.

"A crop reporter will provide information weekly through an e-mail or call-in survey link and it's just to give the gauge of where current conditions are sitting at in the province. They can answer anything from rainfall to conditions to haying progress and quality, along with seeding progress and harvest progress throughout the year, not all information is required. We only require rainfall so producers can give as much or as limited information as they would like on a weekly basis."

Anyone looking to sign up for the Saskatchewan crop report can do so by calling the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377. 

Rosso says the work is important and thanks those volunteers for all that's gone into it.

"I would just like to thank the volunteer crop reporters throughout Saskatchewan who have provided the information used to compile the weekly crop report over the past growing season."