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whs garage sale
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Photos by Shelby Proznick.

The Weyburn Humane Society held a garage sale fundraiser in a volunteer's yard on Thursday and Friday.

"I think our garage sale was a huge success, " shared Shelter Manager Colleen Morrice. "We brought in about $1,900, so for back yard garage sale, I think that's amazing." 

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She said due to a shortage of volunteer numbers, they weren't able to bring out all the items they've been storing in a C-can to hold it in the Weyburn Agricultural Society's Exhibition Hall.

"Usually at Exhibition Hall, we bring in from $11,000 to $16,000, so it is a lot less, but we did have a lot less space where we were there as well," Morrice noted. 

"Our C-can is still full. We had so many great donators that dropped off right at the location, so we didn't have to bring out our stuff in storage. I am hoping if we have enough manpower and enough volunteers that we can do one in September to try to get some more of this stuff out."

She said the next one will also be held at a private residence, as, "we just don't have the amount of volunteers to do one at the Exhibition Hall again."

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Not only could volunteers help out with events like the huge garage sale at a larger venue, Morrice said they'd love to see more people helping out volunteering at the shelter, including walking dogs.

"Usually we have people coming in to walk the dogs, but this summer with being so hot and stuff, they just haven't been volunteering to do that," she shared.

Morrice said volunteers who have even a half hour or an hour of spare time could come down to help out with things like brushing fur or trimming the shelter cats' nails. She could even show the volunteer how to do the tasks.

"The cats love it and they get some attention and it's good for everybody."

While volunteers need to be 14 years of age to serve independently, younger children who want to help out can do so if accompanied by an adult.
