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Estevan Police Service handled multiple incidents over the weekend, including a drug bust, theft, obstruction of justice, and public disturbances

On Friday, Estevan police arrested a 26-year-old Regina woman for obstruction of justice. The arrest followed a report of a female refusing to leave a vehicle near the hospital. Police attended and mediated a resolution, during which the woman provided a false name. Two additional reports were received about the same individual later in the day, and during the third interaction, her true identity was discovered. She was lodged in cells until sober, with a future court date pending.

That same day, police responded to a report of a male using binoculars to observe things from his vehicle. The male was warned and sent on his way.

EPS also received a report of theft from change room lockers at the pool. One individual had cash removed from their locker, and another had their debit card taken, which was subsequently used at various businesses a short time later. The matter remains under investigation, prompting a reminder to the public not to leave property unsecured at public facilities, as it can create a crime of opportunity.

Four police agencies executed search warrants at five locations, leading to the arrest of four Estevan residents and the seizure of over $150,000 worth of cocaine and methamphetamine, as well as rifles, a Ford F150 pickup truck, and $8,000. 

On Saturday, EPS received a report of a passenger in a vehicle performing a stunt, distracting drivers by yelling out of the window and making hand gestures. The registered owner of the vehicle was contacted and notified of the complaint.

Police responded to an event where two individuals under release conditions, including no contact, were still communicating with one another. The matter remains under investigation, with a possible breach of release conditions pending.

EPS attended a residence in the north-central area on the report of a family dispute. Both occupants were spoken to at length before one agreed to spend the night elsewhere. Later that day, they responded to an apartment due to an argument between roommates. One of the roommates wanted a third occupant to leave, and the other was not in agreement. After a lengthy conversation with all parties, the matter was diffused, and no further issues were reported.

On Sunday, a 29-year-old male from Weyburn was arrested as a result of a traffic stop. He was under condition to have no contact with an individual in the vehicle. The male was later released and is scheduled to appear in Provincial Court at a later date.

Police responded to a report of an unwanted guest at a residence causing a disturbance over money owed. The matter was resolved, with the money to be exchanged later.

Members responded to a central Estevan area where a male was causing a disturbance. A 34-year-old man from Estevan was arrested and taken to EPS, where he was charged with uttering threats. He is scheduled to make his first court appearance in Estevan Provincial Court on Sept. 30.

A 52-year-old Estevan woman was arrested and charged with possession of property obtained by crime as a result of an investigation into a stolen room key from an Estevan hotel. She is scheduled to make her first appearance in Estevan Provincial Court on Sept. 30.
