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(Submitted file photo) GVSD Board of Trustees
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(Submitted file photo) GVSD Board of Trustees

UPDATED Aug14, 2024:

A provincial spokesperson had this to say about why the project was funded:

"The department is always looking for ways to work with divisions to better support students. In some cases, the department has heard that some homeschool students may have challenges transitioning to public schools and that homeschool families are not always aware of the supports their local school division can provide them.

This project will explore if having a divisional contact who can help homeschool families access local supports and better understand how to align their program if their child is seeking to transition to the public system will positively impact homeschool students.

Garden Valley School Division will receive $100,000 in 2024-25 and 2025-26.

Performance metrics are still being developed with the division, but the department will be seeking to understand the number of homeschool families that avail themselves to the divisional support, what types of support are most used, how homeschool families view the divisional support (e.g. was it helpful, how did it impact their homeschool program, etc.) and if homeschool students whose family received divisional support are able to more easily transition to public school, if desired."


Going into the new school year, Garden Valley School Division (GVSD) will be trying something new, creating a new liaison position to support families who home school their students.  

GVSD Board Chair Leah Klassen explained how this came about. 

"Back in February of 2024 Garden Valley School Division sent a proposal to the Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning Department to seek funding for a 2-year pilot program. What we have proposed to do is; this position that would assist the division in liaising with home school families in an effort to link those families with some support if they want it."  

There are still some details to work out before this is available to those interested in seeing what supports are available.  

"We're still in conversation with the department in regard to the nuances of what this program might look like. So, we don't have details just yet, as we haven't posted (the position) yet but we're excited to be in conversation and have support of government in this new initiative." 

 Klassen described the goal of this new endeavor.  

"What we'd like to see is really creating a bridge in our community, making school accessible. If those families wish to ask questions or have some support, such as access, perhaps to Inform Net, which is a high school that's online, as well as some community services, and maybe even part-time schooling when they desire. We want to make sure that school feels like a community for all, and that's what we hope the position will help bridge." 

As of fall of 2023, 561 students in the GVSD catchment area were registered with the provincial home school office.  

Klassen emphasized this new role is an option for home school families and the division is looking forward to talking with families to best meet the needs and to listen.  

"Home schooling is a long-standing legal option in Manitoba and when supported, home schooling can provide an enriching experience for children and families, and we want to acknowledge that for sure. We want to work together, if desired, with the home school families if they decide to return or enroll in public school to make that as smooth as possible. Even assisting the division or the school board in identifying the reasons for home schooling, so that schools can be more responsive to those that are considering home schooling as their option." 

Pembina Valley Online has reached out to the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning Nello Altomare and is waiting for a response, which will be added when received. 
