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A pair of MPI-sponsored check stops resulted in two incidents of note last week in Morden.
On Thursday, officers pulled over an unregistered vehicle and found that the driver didn't have his license with him. Further checks revealed he was actually prohibited from driving.
The driver was arrested for operating while prohibited and released with an October court date. He was also charged with driving while disqualified, failing to display the correct number and type of number plate, driving without motor vehicle liability insurance and driving an unregistered vehicle. In total, he was fined $1,755.

Another driver was issued a 90-day suspension after they were caught driving while impaired. The driver's car was also impounded for 30 days, and they were issued a $700 administrative penalty.

Additionally, Morden police officers handed out ten tickets to motorists for operating a vehicle with an obscured number plate. That carries a fine of $203.
Four tickets were also doled out for failing to display the correct number plate, including the driver noted above, which carries a fine of $113.
Officers also issued nine tickets for speeding during this time.
Click here to view the full Morden Police Service report for August 6th-12th. 
