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Lacombe City Council approved a Land Use Bylaw amendment, increasing density and diverse housing options.   

The amendment redesigned several lots on 49th Street from a residential single and semi-detached district to a residential multi-unit dwelling district.   

Increasing density and housing options in Lacombe is supported by the Municipal Development Plan (MDP), the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan (DARP), and Phase 1 of the Social Needs Assessment and Prioritization Report.  

“Lacombe City Council is committed to supporting sustainable growth in our community while providing housing options for our residents. This amendment helps preserve our reputation as a business-friendly destination,” said Mayor Grant Creasey. “This Land Use Bylaw Amendment allows us to diversify housing opportunities, increase density in a key part of our community, and increase our municipal tax base, benefitting us all.”  

The proposal meets the intent of several MDP policies including:  

  • Housing diversity: Reaching a housing mix target of 35 per cent multi-family units by 2036.  

  • Sensitive infill: Redevelopment with careful design regulated by DARP.  

  • Downtown mixed-use: The opportunity for infill residential development that can diversify 49th Street by adding multi-unit style homes to a block of single-family units.  

The Social Needs Assessment and Prioritization Report identified housing demand, supply, and affordability as key factors in advancing the city’s vitality.   

“Including multi-family units helps reduce potential stigma in the community around diversified housing options,” a City of Lacombe media release said. “Increasing multi-family options in Lacombe also contributes to a lower overall housing demand, which can lead to added affordability.”  

Council approved the bylaw amendment following an engagement phase, including written notification to neighbouring properties, advertisements, and a public hearing with opportunities for written and in-person feedback.  
