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Kyle Hertes
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Photo by Marna McManus.

During Monday's meeting of Weyburn City Council, Communications Coordinator with the City, Kyle Hertes, presented Council with a walkthrough of the 2024 Municipal Election website.

Easily accessed via the '2024 Election' tab on the City of Weyburn's website, includes information needed by those who are considering running for a seat, and for those who want to learn all they can about the candidates.

"When you open up candidates it provides you with two options, your candidates and candidate info. So the 'Your Candidates', that's really for voters. So when you click on that as we get closer to the election and as people actually submit their names, we will populate that with the information for all candidates, and that includes their name, a photo of them, contact information, as well as 150 word personal statement. So that way you can get to know your candidates."

Nominations will open up September 25th and close on October 9th. After that, campaigning begins.

Hertes said those who are planning to run for the position of Mayor, one of the six Councillor positions, one of the two Public School Board Trustee positions, or one of the two Separate School Board Trustee positions, can find all the required forms on the 'Candidates' tab. 

"That includes the nomination forms, the public disclosure forms, as well as submitting a candidate profile," he said. "More information, including the dates as well as just general information on what it means to run for City Council, can be found in the candidate booklet also found in the candidate tab on the election web page." 

Hertes said the candidate booklet is really a lifeline at this time for anyone hoping to throw their hat into the ring. 

"So if you are thinking of applying, make sure you really go through that and understand what you're looking for, because that will have all your questions hopefully in there," he said. "The Candidate booklet is the most important thing for a candidate to really familiarize themselves with, because it has all the information regarding what Council actually looks like, the requirements as a Councillor as well as all of the very important dates for when to get your nomination in on the timeline, as well as requirements for stuff like promoting your own signs, where you can put them throughout the city."

"So really read through that, get to know it just to ensure your campaign is exactly how it should be from our view at City Hall here as well as how you want to promote yourself throughout the community."

He said the information will be posted between September 25th and October 9th as the packages are submitted. 

"If you want to put your name in early, you can have your name up there right away. That way people can get to know you quite early. But if you are on the fence about it until the last day, that's just totally up to you on how you want to go through your own election campaign for each individual person. That's up to them."

All voting, which includes advance polls, will be done at the Spark Centre, closing at the end of the day on November 13th.

"Once the election is concluded, the results will be posted on this web page and that will be still up there kind of for the entirety of this term for this Council," he added, noting the rest of the 2024 Election pages will be removed.  

Find the site HERE.
