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Lucky the stuffed lobster is hitchhiking his way from P.E.I. to Okotoks (photo: lobsterquest tiktok page)
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Lucky the stuffed lobster is hitchhiking his way from P.E.I. to Okotoks (photo: Lobsterquest TikTok page)

'Lucky' the stuffed lobster is hitchhiking across the country to Okotoks.

Lucky and his lobster trap started their journey from the capital of Prince Edward Island about three months ago.

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Lucky in his lobster trap making his way to Alberta (Photo credit: Lobsterquest TikTok page)

"We were there back in April of this year for our godson's confirmation, and we were staying at a little boutique hotel in downtown Charlottetown," says one of Lucky's owners, Chris McCallum.

Chris and Karen McCallum of Okotoks first had the idea for the lobster to hitch a ride home several years ago, but it didn't quite work out. 

"We tried this back in 2009. It didn't make it. It got as far as Toronto and then it went down to Chicago, and then we never heard from it again. But of course, we didn't have social media, and we didn't have an air tag like we do now."

Yes, the McCallums attached an air tag to Lucky that they've been tracking his whereabouts, along with social media posts.

Karen says things really took off thanks to social media.

"We also had a QR code which led to a YouTube video of Chris and I explaining why we wanted this lobster trap. And how we were leaning on the hearts of Canadians to help us get him across Canada because our roots are in Prince Edward Island, and we've visited there numerous times, so we wanted a piece of the East in our home here out in the West out in Okotoks."

Chris says it all started with just another conversation while they were in Charlottetown.

"Let's go get another trap and put a stuffed lobster in there and put an air tag on the lobster. Set it up, zip tie him in there, and set up a little instruction sheet for people that see him with what to do and we left it at the little boutique hotel."

The little lobster that could is now in Manitoba.

"It was in Dryden, Ontario overnight (Aug. 13) and it's just crossed over the border into Manitoba (Aug. 14)," says Chris.

One of the challenges they're facing is with people who pick up Lucky and the lobster trap keeping them for a while so they can take it on a road trip to show off the different parts of Canada. 

Chris explains, "What we've found is that wherever it goes people are just having a riot taking Lucky around to different events. Lucky was in a race car race in Ontario, and he won two races. He went to the vet, he went rollerblading."

Karen also shares how positive an experience this has been for not just them, but everyone who's following Lucky's journey.

"You know, it's united Canada but it's also really showcased him around the world. And every morning we get up we get a message from somewhere, like South America, the U.K., Belgium... all over the world.  And when people see the posts on social media, they're very intrigued by the beauty of Canada number one, but they're also learning about Canada. For example, this little guy was at the Terry Fox monument yesterday (Aug. 13) and someone from the U.K. messaged 'Who is Terry Fox?' so, we're educating people around the world about Canada. People are just loving it."

And it's not just a somewhat empty lobster trap with Lucky inside. Karen says it's filling up fast.

"The trap is getting full because every province he goes to people are putting a little piece inside. So, New Brunswick, there was a little stuffed Moose put inside and the Quebec flag is in there and there's a little teddy bear from Ontario, there's an alien in there. Kids are making little crafts putting them inside and wherever he is people are even driving to go sign the trap. So, we have signatures from all over Canada with people that have taken photos with him."

Once Lucky and his lobster trap (hopefully) make it to Okotoks, the McCallums have a few ideas of where they'd like to take him.

"We were thinking of maybe taking him on a pub crawl through the different breweries. There are a few in Okotoks and Black Diamond, Turner Valley," says Chris with a chuckle.

Of course, they'll take Lucky around town to show off all the amazing things in and around Okotoks like the Big Rock too.

The McCallums have big hearts too and will be giving money to the Jasper wildfire fund through the Red Cross as well as to lobster fishermen in P.E.I.

They're currently selling t-shirts for $20, they cost them $15 each so the $5 profit will be split between the Jasper fund and lobster fishermen.

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(L to R): Chris and Karen McCallum with the Lucky t-shirt (Photo credit: Lobsterquest TikTok page)

You can find the link on their TikTok account.

The t-shirt has a photo of Lucky on it that says, 'I got Lucky across Canada'.

Karen says it's just a wonderful made-in-Canada story and it's so refreshing to see social media work in a positive way.

"It doesn't surprise us how Canadians have just embraced this and having such fun with it. And are collaborating together to get this little guy across the country. It's just so heartwarming and it makes us even prouder to be Canadian."