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Grade 2/3 teacher Mrs. Audrey Rogers (photo by Shelby Proznick)

As the summer is coming to an end, Audrey Rogers, a second and third-grade teacher at Assiniboia Park Elementary, is preparing for the new school year.

"I've been thinking about this since the beginning of August."

Rogers says a lot goes into preparing for the school year, and you can never be fully prepared.

 "If you're changing grades or moving rooms, it's like moving a whole house." She continues, "Something new always comes up. Teaching is about planning and being creative, and you have to adjust when the students arrive."

She also gave some advice for parents to help their kids get ready for school. 

"Try to get kids back into a good routine before school starts. Set regular bedtimes and maybe read a book together."

This teacher cannot wait for the next school year as she loves her job and the people she works with. Rogers notes that her favourite part of her job will always be the minds she teaches. 

"Kids say the funniest things every day. It's always funny and exciting, even though it can be a bit scary sometimes, but it's great."
