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The Weyburn Agricultural Society is asking for feedback from those who attended the 115th annual Weyburn Fair Days in July.

Media Relations Director Brandie Fisher said an online survey will help them get information such as how many people were in your group.

"I listed all the events that we had, just to see what people went to, and what was liked, what wasn't liked, and which food vendors they went to, just so we know for next year which we like and which we probably wouldn't get back."

Fisher said the survey is, "strictly anonymous, so I could have honest opinions, whether we wanted it or not. But I just really want people's feedback because we are putting this event on for the community. So we want the community's feedback. We know that we won't please everybody, but we want to try."

While some may wish to grumble about the fair and compare it to a larger city's exhibition, Fisher said she noticed there wasn't a lot of negative feedback for this year's event. She speculated that maybe this is because people are realizing that the event is the Weyburn Agricultural Society's biggest fundraiser of the year.

"It helps make money to maintain all the buildings on our grounds, like the Exhibition Hall, the Grandstand, the rodeo arena, all the buildings right down to the barn," she shared. "You've just got to keep it safe."

Part of the overhead for maintaining the grounds includes a major renovation project at the Exhibition Hall, which now has new mortaring. $10,000 of the funding for that came from a grant courtesy of E. Bourassa & Sons. 

"It's going to be upwards of $100,000 by the time it's said and done, by the time you've got the fascia, and painting it, so it's a big project for a nonprofit organization, so we really wanted the Fair to really get people to come."

Fundraising results from this year's event aren't tallied yet, but they have expenses to cover.

"You've got to pay for your entertainment, so we had two bands, we had the petting zoo, there's insurance on the Demo Derby, the rodeo stock, like at all costs, so without our sponsorship and our gate prices, we couldn't have it," she explained. "We try our best to make a profit. The rain was not on our side this year, but we still saw 800 more people than last year."

Since the survey was posted, they've had a few dozen responses, including one saying the Fair Days needs more parking. For those who don't know, parking right on the fairgrounds, south and west of the midway rides, costs $2 and is accessible via the south gate.

"There were some people who wanted extra seating around the midway, so I'm going to bring that up to the board. There is some constructive criticism."

Music performances were added to this year's event, based on feedback from last year's survey.

"I know there was one that says, 'Why do we need a gate price and a wristband price?' Well, not everybody wants to go on the rides, but people don't know that we need to pay for the security of the medics and everything, out of the gate fees. So it's going towards something to provide you with entertainment. Just like the food vendors make their prices, and we had the wobble balls, they're their own little business."

The Weyburn Agricultural Society board has some new members this year, and the event takes dozens of volunteers who help out with everything from manning the gate, beverage gardens, knocker balls, and more. The Weyburn Humane Society is on hand each year to take care of keeping the grounds clean.

A favourite returning feature this year was the Tractor Town, run by Stacy Kosior. 

"That's a little bit more for little kids because people said there wasn't much for kids, right? So we're doing something Ag-related, at the fair," commented Fisher. "Just something extra for kids. Our volunteer, Don Bourassa, just gets the kids laughing."

She mentioned another new board member, Leanne Anderson, who was in charge of the household arts display, has some big ideas. 

Fisher said the survey will help their board fine-tune the event to find out what went over well so that it's even better next year.

The dates for the 116th annual Weyburn Fair Days are still being determined, as it involves ensuring they can align schedules for the 4H Club, the midway company, and entertainment all in the same week. 

Find the survey HERE.

Follow the Weyburn Agricultural Society on Facebook HERE.
