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Morden Deputy Mayor Gord Maddock, Mayor Nancy Penner and Councillor Garry Hiebert
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Morden Deputy Mayor Gord Maddock, Mayor Nancy Penner and Councillor Garry Hiebert

The number one issue facing Morden has come under some recent public scrutiny regarding land that may be acquired by the City of Morden for a new wastewater treatment facility. 

Morden Mayor Nancy Penner said until they really know where they are at, council doesn't have much to communicate to the public.

"Other than we have approached a couple of landowners that happened to be in the RM (of Roland). And that's as far as we've gone, obviously. And until we have an offer to purchase that meets all the requirements in the offer to purchase, that includes the geotechnical (requirements) are met, the size of the property meets our design needs... Until all those total boxes are checked off, then we will go public with information.” 

Penner explained why this approach is being considered. 

"Because we've reached the population of 10,000 people, our current location requires us to meet specific environmental criteria, and our current location is not meeting the needs of what we need in the wastewater treatment facility. So of course, Morden doesn't have the land needs within our city limits. We are looking outside our city limits.” 

She assured the public there is a process that will allow for feedback on any decision made. 

"When we do go to build, there will be an environmental hearing and at that time, wherever the location is, those residents will have the opportunity to come forward at that environmental hearing, hear about the design, the environmental impact and at that time have the opportunity to voice their concerns.”  

While this is one part of the work being done to try to find a solution for the wastewater issue in Morden, Penner said there is other work being done. 

"We have been very vocal with both our provincial and federal governments and MLAs and MPs that Morden is at a critical stage right now in our wastewater needs. Financially, we need financial contributions to meet our goal in building our wastewater treatment facility. Our current lagoon site does not meet our rebuild on site because of the added costs that environment requires us for upgrades, so we have to look outside the municipality of the City of Morden.” 

Reeve For the RM of Roland Jodi Gaultier stated her council has not heard anything from any governing body or from the City of Morden or their council on this matter. 
