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According to this week's crop report from the Saskatchewan ministry of Agriculture, hot temperatures and minimal rainfall have caused an early start to harvest due to the rapid crop development. 

Harvest is 11 percent complete, which is above the provincial average. Fall rye has the highest harvest progress with 64 percent in the bin. Behind rye is winter wheat at 18 percent. 

Pulse crops are making good progress as 41 percent of field peas, 31 percent of chickpeas, and 29 percent of lentils are harvested. Cereal crops are led by durum with 18 percent harvested, followed by oats at 12 percent, and barely at 10 percent.  

Only one percent of canola is in the bin, but more progress is expected to be made coming up.  

Dry conditions continue to be an issue for producers. Rainfall is limited, with the southeast seeing only a few scattered showers. The effects on topsoil moisture are evident with reports of 29 percent adequate, 44 percent short, and 27 percent very short for cropland. Hayland is reported as 27 percent adequate, 42 percent short, and 31 percent very short; and pasture topsoil is reported as 21 percent adequate, 40 percent short, and 39 percent very short.  

The effects of the dryness extend to livestock water, with concerns of algae bloom and moderate shortages reported in 34 percent of livestock water sources. 

Crop damage is mainly caused by the hot and dry conditions, there are also reports of wind, sclerotinia, and grasshopper causing damage.  
