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Home under construction in Rosenort

R.M. of Morris Reeve Scott Siemens joined CFAM Radio 950 Morning Show Host Chris Sumner via phone for Reeve on the Radio. Today's conversation included updates on two of the major development projects underway in Rosenort.

"Our industrial park in Rosenort, phase two is progressing fairly well is what we were told the other day, and I think we are to the phase already of marking out the lots," explained the Reeve. "So, that will be ready for sale very shortly."

As for the second phase of Prairie Hearth, that is also progressing well.

"Phase two in Prairie Hearth and the underground work, so I understand, was completed last week, so now we go on to the above ground works, which is putting the streets in and a bit of backfill and landscaping," he said. "Phase one is nearing completion, and we have sidewalks and final grading to complete. That is all supposed to be completed this year."

You can hear more about Siemens thoughts on development in the R.M. this year, in Reeve on the Radio. Have a listen below.
