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Lanny B Park in Fillmore, SK ready for the first ever Summer Festival.

LaVaughn Duxbury had purchased a piece of property in Fillmore over 18 years ago. With no idea what to do with it, LaVaughn had the idea of putting a park there. That became the birth of Lanny B Park, and now 18 years later the first ever Lanny B Park Summer Festival is happening on Thursday, August 22nd. Lavaughn talks about all the fun events happening next Thursday. 

“We have live entertainment starting at 3pm and it runs till 9:00pm. We've got The Blend coming, Alfredo, Judy Cushman from Bengough, the Caragan Ramblers and we’ll finish up the evening with The Mariachi Latino Band from Regina. I think it’ll be a pretty exciting afternoon and evening of music.” 

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There will be food and refreshment vendors present as well to provide things like chili and buns and they are in the process of getting a license for the beer gardens. People are encouraged to come down and enjoy a wonderful day of music and food at a gorgeous location.  

Admission is based on donation and sponsorship. It’s the first festival and takes a lot of time and effort to source out the live music and vendors as well as getting the word out to sell tickets so if you’re interested in sponsoring this event, please contact LaVaughn at 306-457-7580. 

Author Alias