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EDS Garage sale
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Estevan Diversified Services brought out the community with burgers, hot dogs, and a garage sale.

Estevan Diversified Services is looking for some help from the community as they held their annual garage sale and BBQ.

That money is raised for the various programs that EDS puts on to help out members of the community.

Roberta Derosier, the program director, says that the sale is all possible thanks to the community.

"We're doing our annual garage sale and BBQ, the community graciously donates items and then our community comes out and supports us and buys things. For a donation they get a hot dog or a hamburger and chips and a drink. We've had fabulous support, it's absolutely incredible."

This year the garage sale had over a dozen tables set up with all of the items coming from the community.

"I couldn't even begin to count. We actually have more than we had last year, and we didn't think that could be done. A lot of our staff and their families, just people from the community, they were just dropping off for the past couple weeks.

The money raised from the event goes towards supplies that help make EDS's programs possible.

"We're using it actually for our programming supplies, so different events that we have, we're trying to start up different clubs like a sewing club. We'll go for supplies for that. If there's an event in town that we want to take the group to, so we use it for that."

Derosier says that the community has been very supportive with good feedback coming in.

"We've had nothing but positive support to everybody's. We'd actually just had somebody saying it was the best burgers ever. So we're very happy."

With all of the support coming in Derosier thanked everyone in the community who helped to make it a great event.

"I just want to say thank you to Estevan. Estevan always steps up in one way or the other and this is a good thing. You know, Estevan usually steps up to volunteer. This was a different opportunity. They've brought so much, they're supporting us, thank you."
