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Parkside Home Hardware Building Centre Headliner Austen French at WInkler Harvest Festival.

Sunday Night at the Winkler Harvest Festival, Robyn Wiebe had a chance to talk with the Main Stage artists sharing contemporary Christian music to an engaged crowd who sang, cheered, and worshipped God. 

Opening the evening was Caleb and John, who quickly gained the crowd's attention with music familiar to the audience and with their fun upbeat show. This was their first trip to Canada and their first stop on their Canadian tour. Robyn discussed with the duo, why they love Jesus, the key message in their music, their thoughts on Canada and about their song "Hallelujah Feeling."  

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Caleb, John and Robyn Wiebe

Parkside Home Hardware Building Centre Sunday Night headliner Austen French really connected with the crowd. As a pastor of a church attended by many addicts, French's worship-centered music was lighthearted with messages of salvation. He shared some of his testimony with Robyn and about his first impressions of Canada. 

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Robyn also talked with local artist Jordan Janzen, but that story and video will be shared with you next week.  

A special thanks to the artists for making time in their busy night to personalize our listening experience! 

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Jordan Janzen and Austen French

