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(photos courtesy of Beaver Creek Camp.)

The Salvation Army has had a fun-filled summer by bringing kids from the area to Beaver Creek camp up by Saskatoon.  

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Ronza Reynard, community ministries director for the Salvation Army, said that Beaver Creek Camp has been running for 75 years. She noted that they did experience a drop in the amount of kids who were registered to take part in the camp this year.  

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There are a variety of camps throughout the season, including a mom and kids camp, a teen camp, and a junior camp for kids 7 to 12 years old. “So if anybody is looking to send their kids to camp next year, come see us about it in March, April and we’ll get them signed up,” said Reynard.

During their time at Beaver Creek, campers take part in a variety of activities such as swimming, hikes, archery, crafts, campfires, as well as bible time. Reynard noted that while there are a lot of great camps located closer to Estevan, she favours Beaver Creek as she has been attending for close to 40 years. 

“For five days it’s just a chance for kids to be kids and get away from maybe what’s happening at home. It’s a great way for parents to get a little break and have their kids summer occupied.”  

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