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icya community ministry (supplied)

Everyone in Inner City Youth Alive's ministry matters: the kids and youth they serve, their staff, their leaders, and you too.

Harvey knows this well. In his time as a Community Minister at ICYA, he’s seen the despair that can come when people don’t feel like they matter.

“Some of our neighbours who are struggling with homelessness and a lot of mental health issues, they very rarely have anybody that listens to them.”

So Harvey listens. He takes time to just sit with people if that’s what they need. Or he’ll plan an outing with young men to canoe the Red River. Or he’ll take a teenager for a long quiet drive. Or he’ll bring a Slurpee or a cup of coffee to a new friend.

Did you know that because of you—your love, care, and support—Harvey is able to have this meaningful time with our kids and young people? Because you’re there for ICYA through every season, Harvey can take all the time he needs with whoever needs him. Whenever, wherever.

Because no matter the activity, it comes back to this: “It’s such a powerful opportunity to build a relationship,” he says.

“And those kinds of interactions can set the stage for deeper one-on-ones where you’re talking about real things. And sometimes, people begin to open up and pour out pain or anger or whatever it is they’re feeling. If you’ve been able to cultivate a relationship where they feel safe and where there’s trust, people can open up about real things. We can let our friends know that they’re not alone, that they’re loved, and we can invite God’s presence into that situation.”

You can bring hope to the core!

Tune into CHVN Radio on Wednesday, August 21, and Thursday, August 22, for our Hope To The Core Radiothon in support of Inner City Youth Alive. 

We'll be broadcasting live from ICYA in the heart of the North End from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day. We'll hear powerful testimonies of how Jesus is at work and provide you with opportunities to join in that work financially, practically, and prayerfully. 

Author Alias