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"This keeps rearing its ugly head," Ruth Reimer explains. "And now, this time, I decided we're going to do something."  

Reimer, founder of Katie Cares, has issued a public warning about a persistent scam in which individuals are collecting donations door-to-door, claiming to represent the Katie Cares organization. 

Reimer has announced the charity’s decision to release a public statement on their website and social media platforms to alert the community:  

WARNING: Door-to-Door Solicitation Scam  

We have been made aware that individuals are going door to door claiming to collect donations on behalf of Katie Cares. This is a scam. Katie Cares does not solicit donations in this manner.  

Please do not give money to anyone requesting funds on behalf of Katie Cares at your door. 

The charity does not endorse or support these activities. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ruth Reimer at 204-312-8445. 

The problem first surfaced last year but has become increasingly frequent, with three incidents occurring within the last year alone. Reimer recounted an upsetting pattern: "I got a call from a family that said their dad had given a large sum, more than 400 dollars." Fortunately, the family managed to stop payment in time. However, the scam reappeared in January, March, and recently again this past weekend. 

What makes the scam even more concerning is the exploitation of people’s goodwill. "They're taking advantage of kindness and generosity," Reimer said. "Whoever's doing it is tugging at the heartstrings of people, and that's just not right." 

Reimer is urging the public to be cautious and report suspicious activities. "If it is happening and they come to your door, just say no. Try and get some information from them so that we can track them down," she advised, adding that all information is being turned over to the police. 

Katie Cares does not solicit donations door-to-door, and Reimer emphasized that if people wish to donate, they should do so directly through the charity's channels. "Come down to the [Katie Cares] Cottage and give us the [donation], and we'll give you a tax receipt.” 

The charity is working closely with local authorities and media outlets to ensure the public is informed. "We're taking this very seriously," Reimer stressed, hoping that by raising awareness, they can put an end to this scam. 

Learn more about Katie Cares here
