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The Weyburn Police Service received a report last Monday of a break-and-enter to a home, from which property and firearms were stolen.  

Sergeant Shane St. John said finding the stolen firearms is of utmost urgency.

"We never, ever, ever want firearms in the street. The black market for firearms is very high. People can make a lot of money on those. You do not want those in the community, or any other community," he commented. "We do put them on the computer system as stolen, so hopefully if anybody comes across them or they try to sell them, they're red-flagged, and we can get them back."

He said while the WPS Forensics team was on the scene after the report, anyone with video surveillance could help out with the investigation, which is still ongoing.

"Most people have it now. So hopefully we can get a suspect and find those guns before they are sold. We've had some luck in the past doing that and getting a lot of the guns that were still off the street."

St. John noted that in this situation, the firearms have not yet been recovered, but they will keep pushing to find them. 

"There's always that risk of unsafe storage of it. They need to come forward no matter what, even if they were not stored safely. The bigger thing there is getting those firearms marked and getting them on the system so they can be recovered and us knowing that they're out there."

Anyone with information can contact the WPS at 306-848-3250 or Crime-Stoppers at (800) 222-8477 (TIPS).  
