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Storms, similar to this one that came through the region on Canada Day, could be making their way through Weyburn and the surrounding area later today. (File photo by Kianna Fay)

Severe thunderstorms could be on the way for the Weyburn area, and other parts of southern Saskatchewan. The latest thunderstorm outlook from Environment and Climate Change Canada says the weather pattern is bringing warm, moist air from the south, and with strong winds at different levels of the atmosphere, we could see conditions that are perfect for strong storms that are well-organized.  

"It looks like a low-pressure system starting to develop in Montana, and along a warm front to the east and north, it’ll be kind of the focus of the severe weather in southeast Saskatchewan,” explained Stephen Berg, a meteorologist with Environment Canada. “Quite a bit of instability, lots of heat, lots of moisture coming up from the south, and a good kind of wind profile for some strong wind gusts, large hail, and a potential tornado threat.” 

The forecast is calling for the system to start to make its way into the region beginning in the early to mid-afternoon, moving northeast from Coronach up towards Yorkton, with the path including Weyburn and surrounding communities.  

The potential intensity of storms will be aided by the conditions seen in the region for the past few days. On Sunday and yesterday, Weyburn set new records for humidex, with it reaching 36 on both days. Then, the minimum temperature yesterday was 19.2°, and the minimum temperature this morning was 18.5°, records for the maximum low temperature for both days.  

“The added heat in the area will be a considerable factor for thunderstorm formation, or severe thunderstorm formation,” Berg noted.  

Behind the system, we won’t see temperatures start to cool off quite yet. They will be closer to seasonal tomorrow, with overnight lows potentially dipping into the single digits Thursday night and Friday morning. Things are expected to get a bit warmer again, reaching the 30s, before starting to cool off after the weekend.  

Stay up to date with the latest forecast by visiting the Discover Weyburn Weather page.  
