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The U14 Lions Oilers are gearing up for what promises to be an exciting season, with a roster that’s stronger than ever. Head coach Christian Pfeifer recently joined SUN 102 to share the latest updates as the team prepares to take the field.

“Recruitment has gone very well for us. We’re up to 29 kids on the roster, which is the most we’ve had at the U14 division in a very long time. So it’s very exciting for us,” Pfeifer shared.

The team wrapped up their evaluation camp last week, with Pfeifer noting the impressive turnout of 20 to 24 players each night. “We were able to get a really good evaluation on all these kids, assess their basic skills, and slot them into positions. This week, we’re starting our organized padded practices, getting everyone working in the positions where we’ve set them,” he explained.

The Oilers will kick off their season with an away game against the Moose Jaw Mafia, a brand-new team in the U14 division. However, the big date for local fans to mark on their calendars is September 13, when the Oilers will host their Highway 39 rivals, the Weyburn Falcons, for the home opener at Woodlawn Park Athletic Field.

Estevan Minor Football is also preparing for the season with a community work-bee event scheduled for Sunday, August 25, at Woodlawn Field. Volunteers will gather to tidy up the field, paint the bleachers, mow the grass, and ensure everything is game-ready.

For those still interested in joining the team, there’s still time to get involved. “There’s always room for more,” Pfeifer encouraged. “If you’re very interested in trying football, it’s a great sport. I can’t praise it enough. For more information, visit our website at estevanfootball.com.”

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