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Photo courtesy of the Weyburn Silver Seals Swim Team.

The Weyburn Silver Seals Swim Team during their Annual General Meeting on Sunday named Nash Warren as the recipient of the Sloane Bedore Memorial Award.

Sloane, daughter of Todd and Angela Bedore, passed away suddenly in 2010 at the age of nine.

"The coaches make the choice as to who receives the award, but this particular award is not presented every year because the requirements for receiving the awards are not always fulfilled," explained Angela Bedore. "There's not always going to be someone that's going to keep persevering through adversity, so some years somebody would not receive the award. The trophy isn't handed out each year, but one requirement is that it goes to someone who has had to overcome adversity."

Bedore said the adversity could be any kind of adversity that someone might be going through. Additionally, the recipient must be someone who has a good attitude and be excited to be participating.

"Our daughter Sloane was always very happy to be at swimming. Well, she was pretty much happy to be most places," she noted. "So that is another part of the award is that they're happy to be there and happy to be participating in it." 

She said Nash had a great year swimming, and is a hard worker.

"He's a great kid and he's worked hard to get better at swimming and I think that's the biggest thing. I think sometimes people don't always receive awards because they don't necessarily get the top first, second, or third in events, and I think the meaning of this award is that somebody might not always be getting first, second, and third, and so they might not always get trophies. This award is about having a good attitude and working hard."

The Silver Seals Swim coaches shared with Discover Weyburn, "The Sloane Bedore Award is awarded to a swimmer who has overcome diversity or family circumstances to persevere in their love for the sport of swimming. Nash is a fan favourite at all the swim meets he attends. He swims his races at his own pace but always has the biggest smile on his face. Nash is happiest when in the water and his happiness is contagious."

"Everyone in the swim community knows Nash. With the odds stacked against him, Nash received a silver medal at provincials in the 200M backstroke this year. He received a standing ovation when he was presented with his medal. There was not a dry eye in the house. Nash is the shining example of what swimming is about. Perseverance, dedication, community, and inclusivity."
