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Lori Anne Zable (Child and Youth Development Specialist), Ron and Cari MacLean, Scott Bachly (Smilezone Co-Founder and Co-Chair), Sandi Sebastian (Director RDRHC and Programming Zone Lead for Women and Children's Health and Children's Rehabilitation Central Zone), and Nate Ezra a previous Children's Rehabilitation Services patient cut the ribbon for the new Smilezone.

Young Central Alberta patients now have a reason to smile when they come for treatment with Children’s Rehabilitation Services.   

The first Smilezone in Central Alberta was unveiled today (Aug. 21), in the 49th Street Community Health Centre.   

Donated by the Smilezone Foundation, with support from Ron and Cari MacLean, the Smilezone includes colourful murals, sensory development equipment, and kid-friendly technology.  

“Cari and I grew up in Red Deer, so this community holds a special place in our hearts. It means the world to us to contribute to a project that brings hope and positivity to children and their families during challenging times,” Ron said. “We have been long-time supporters of the Smilezone Foundation because we believe in their mission to create positive and uplifting environments for kids in healthcare settings. It is our pleasure to support this Smilezone transformation at Children’s Rehabilitation Services that makes a real difference in the lives of young patients.”  

Cari added that it was important to bring the Smilezone to Red Deer because the atmosphere makes it easier for young patients to receive the care they need.   

“Everybody feels lighter and brighter, it takes the edge off, and if a space can do that it's so powerful,” she said. “For the healthcare workers, it brightens their day and makes their job a whole lot easier because the kids are more chill. It takes a bit of the edge, and angst off of them.”  

The Smilezone is designed to improve the experience for children and families when they come for appointments. With the donation, the facility’s waiting room, hallways, and therapy spaces were transformed.    

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One of the Children’s Rehabilitation Services rooms transformed by the Smilezone in the 49th Street Community Health Centre. 

With a focus on the early years and early intervention, care and support are provided to young patients and their families by a variety of specialists, including audiologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech-language pathologists, and early childhood intervention providers. Services provided can be related to developmental or medical conditions and can include help with motor development, mobility, eating, feeding and swallowing, communication, and connections to community resources and services.  

“Smilezone Foundation is delighted to bring joy and comfort to the young patients at Children’s Rehabilitation Services in Red Deer,” said Scott Bachly, Co-Founder of Smilezone Foundation. “Our goal is to create spaces that not only support the healing process but also bring smiles to the faces of children and their families. We are incredibly thankful for the generous support from Ron and Cari MacLean, which has made this transformation possible.”  


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