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Work on the Crystal Shore Booster Station begins early August (photo via pixabay)
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The Town of Nanton will be doing some sewer realignment projects this week.

This work involves the Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) relining process, which uses a plastic resin to create a new pipe inside the existing one.

They do so by inserting a liner that contains a styrene resin into the sewer pipe, which will then cure and form a new, inner wall.

Styrene is a colourless, clear liquid that is commonly used in products like countertops, plastic packaging, disposable cups, and more. It is also produced, naturally, by certain plants.

By doing it this way, they are minimizing the required digging to complete the work, which will cause less disturbances to the community.

The work is being completed by McGill's Industrial Services on August 27th and 28th, and crews will be out working from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day.

On Tuesday, August 27th, they will be working on 17th Street from 26th Ave to 23rd Ave, while on Wednesday, August 28th, crews will be working on 19th Street from 22nd Ave to 21st Ave.

This project is part of the Town's Capital Works Program which is renewing the aging infrastructure and reducing the risk of sewer backups, which will allow the sewer services to remain reliable over the long-term.

While the work is being completed, the Town is reminding people that sewer services are not available for those homes and businesses at are in the area of the work.

During those periods of work, the Town is asking people to refrain from doing laundry or dishes, to make sure there aren't any leaky faucets or toilets running, and to make sure water softeners don't complete a "regeneration" cycle.

They suggest that, if possible, turn off the main water valve onto the property and flush the toilets prior to the work beginning to reduce the amount of accidental water usage at that time.

To stay up to date on work happening in Nanton, head over to their Facebook page.