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CUPE Local 5040 branding the purple shirts during a rally on March 13th 2024. (Photo supplied by Lesley Cole)
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CUPE Local 5040 branding the purple shirts during a rally on March 13th, 2024. (Photo supplied by Lesley Cole)

CUPE Local 5040 re-entered negotiations with the Foothills School Division today (Aug. 22.)

The union branch, which represents school support staff within the district, hopes to finally come to a resolution to longstanding negoations over pay and training, among other things.

One of the major changes they're calling for is a raise in pay, with the union claiming that many education employees are having to take two, three, or even four jobs to stay afloat.

Lesley Cole, President of the CUPE Local 5040, says that the last time they saw a pay raise was back in 2016 which was only about 1 per cent.

"Our main ask is for a decent living wage. After all, we are working with the future of Alberta and we put our all in, 110 per cent every single day. I don't think that we are asking for anything that we don't deserve," Cole adds.

"We don't ever receive a cost of living wage adjustments, none of that. I have been at the same wage now for almost 15 years. It's time that we saw a decent wage increase and it's nothing we don't deserve."

Cole said while she represents the Foothills area in terms of school divisions, this is a province-wide issue and others in different areas of the province are asking for the same thing.

In June, CUPE Alberta reported that 41 different school districts were served bargaining notices.

"There is a provincial movement right now for all school divisions to stand in solidarity and demand better and demand more because everyone is in the same situation," says Cole.

She adds that the roles and expectations for the support workers have increased but the pay hasn't, which is why the union is also calling for better training.

The current contract that the support workers have been working off of ends on August 31st, if an agreement is reached before then, Cole says that they will continue to meet until one is.

CUPE Alberta is posting updates on their Facebook page, which can be seenĀ here.