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Cattle roaming in a pasture. (File photo)

The wildfires around the province have caused issues for many people, including widespread property damage and health issues, but they have also caused issues for cattle producers.

Cattle can suffer from pneumonia, reproductive losses, as well as reduced weight gain and milk yield due to the wildfires according to a study done in November 2021.

"Our thoughts are with everybody who has been impacted with wildfires. It has created a lot of turmoil for everybody involved. We want to acknowledge those who have been working on the response in putting these fires out and the work done," said Doug Roxburgh, Alberta Beef Producers Vice Chair in a media release.

He explained what cattle producers should do if they see any damage.

"I think the biggest thing is if they are starting to see potential damage, or level of risk, certainly work with your Provincial organizations like, AFSC (Alberta Finacial Services Corp). Just find out what tools and coverage for different things that they may have for protection over there," Roxburgh added in the release.

Roxburgh also suggests that producers should go to albertafireban.ca to find out the risk level of their area and ABP Daily puts out a comprehensive list of wildfires, safety, and mental health resources.