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A key highlight during the Canadian Beef Industry Conference is the naming of the 2024 national winners for The Environmental Stewardship Award (TESA).

TESA recognizes producers who go above and beyond standard industry conservation practices and set positive examples for their peers and the general public. 

Among the finalists for the national title is the Association of Manitoba Community Pastures (AMCP).

Founded in 2014 after the federal pasture divestiture, AMCP is governed by livestock producers committed to balancing livestock industry needs with ecological sustainability.

AMCP’s core mandate focuses on enhancing the livestock industry while promoting sustainable rangeland stewardship. Covering over 350,000 acres of pristine prairie lands, AMCP’s community pastures are vital habitats supported a diverse array of wildlife, including black bear, moose, and sharp-tailed grouse and numerous Species at Risk birds such as Baird’s Sparrow, Sprague’s Pipit, and Chestnut-collared Longspur.

AMCP remains committed to sustainable practices, aiming to increase stocking rates responsibly, expand infrastructure investments, and continue fostering partnerships that enhance ecological resilience. Through its dedication to environmental stewardship and community engagement, AMCP sets a precedent for sustainable agriculture and wildlife conservation, making a profound impact on Manitoba’s prairie ecosystems and beyond.

Also competing for the national honor Taylor Ranches located on the Milk River Ridge southwest of Warner Alberta; Block Ranching Ltd at Abbey, Saskatchewan;
Circle H Farms from Ontario, Ecoboeuf from Quebec and Holdanca Farms from the Maritimes.

Author Alias