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After a torrential downpour passed by Estevan on Wednesday night, some businesses on 4th Street were flooded. A&A Jewellery saw a massive loss of inventory due to damages. (Laurel Buck/A&A Jewellery/Facebook)

Heavy rainfall on Wednesday caused localized flooding in Estevan, affecting downtown businesses to varying degrees.

“I just opened up the basement at the top door, and it looks like somebody has come in and completely destroyed it,” said Laurel Buck, owner of A&A Jewelry and chair of the Downtown Business Association. “At first, it was like, ‘Oh my gosh, did somebody break in?’”

Buck estimated the flooding caused approximately $75,000 in damage to her business.

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This is the aftermath of the flooding in A&A Jewellery's basement after a heavy rain passed through the southeast on Wednesday. (Laurel Buck/A&A Jewellery/Facebook)

She estimated that around half of the businesses in the Downtown Business Association had been impacted, with varying levels of damage. “Some had two inches of water in their basements, and we probably had three-and-a-half to four feet,” said Buck.

Buck said her next steps involve contacting insurance companies, calling restoration services, and assessing the situation further. She added that much of the damage was due to sewer and mud backup.

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By Buck's estimates, around $75,000 of inventory was destroyed during the flood. (Laurel Buck/A&A Jewellery/Facebook)

While some in the community have cited the ongoing downtown revitalization projects for the flooding, Buck noted that the Downtown Business Association does not share that belief.

“We’re certainly not putting the blame on the downtown revitalization project or anybody at this time. The sewers had to be done,” she said.

In a social media post last night, Buck said the damages was simply due to poor timing. "The sewer system had to be replaced, and this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Downtown Revitalization Project. It was just really bad timing. Maybe Mother Nature has a really bad sense of humour," she noted on A&A Jewellery's Facebook page. 

Prior to the flooding, Buck said her business was experiencing one of its busiest years.

This isn’t the first time a summer storm has impacted Estevan. Last month, a hailstorm ripped the roof off Soul Hideout, rendering it unsafe.
