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The Estevan motor Speedway is done most of its season, with good feedback from fans and drivers.

The Estevan Motor Speedway has nearly capped off its season with the championship races being held over the weekend.

With only the Enduro races left this September, the raceway will be winding down operations with fall and winter coming shortly.

President Brad Pierson says that the championship had a great turnout.

"We were very happy with the way it went. We had some really good racing in all five classes and there are some really tight championship points runs. Another thing to do with that is a big change from last year where a lot of our local drivers are champions. Over the last year, we had a lot of US drivers who were our champions. So very happy at the performance of our local guys."

The championship marks the end for most race categories, finishing off a season that Pierson says he's happy with even if attendance was a bit lower than hoped.

"We were happy with the racing quality, I've only been on the board five years, but it's probably the best racing we've had and our track conditions were fantastic and our track prep crew just did such a great job."

"We're always hoping for a bit better attendance out there, but our attendance at the back end of the schedule I was happier with. I just think if people really understood the level of product we're producing out there, we would have more people in the stands."

Pierson says that the people who were there got some great shows and he heard plenty of positive feedback.

"The people that are out there are great fans. They were blown away with not only our facility but the talent level we put on the track throughout the year and once again credit to all our local drivers and thanks to our out-of-town people that come there. We put on some really high-quality racing out there and I know the fans are very appreciative of it."

Drivers were also happy with the season as the weather stayed mostly cooperative.

"I think our drivers are mostly happy. We don't hear a lot of negative stuff there, but I think they were very happy with the track and just the way overall their seasons went. We ran one or two less races this year. We lost one to weather and just tightened up our schedule a bit, but everyone seemed fine with it and we had a lot of thoughts of positive feedback from the drivers over the year."

The speedway won't be closed yet as another race will be held next month before they shut down for the season.

"That's the Enduro race, that's coming up mid-September and it's a big event for us every year and it's something where racing enthusiasts can get out without spending a ton of money. It just takes people that are normally maybe in the grandstand or that want to race, but don't have the time or the means to do it, it allows them to get out and feel what racing is like."

"So you just need an old junker car, and we have a whole little list where it's just what you need to do to make it track-ready and register your car for 100 bucks and go and have a good time."

Other events will also be featured this fall, with the Speedway's AGM in the third week of November and an awards banquet during the last weekend in October.
