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The WPS detailed the results of the investigation into the collision at the intersection of Highway 39 and 3rd Street last Wednesday (Photo by Marna McManus).

The Weyburn Police Service detailed the results of their investigation into a collision at the intersection of Highway 39 and 3rd Street last Wednesday. The collision involved a northbound SUV on 3rd Street that collided with a westbound SUV on Highway 39u  

“The one vehicle driver has been charged through the investigation,” explained Sergeant Shane St. John of the Weyburn Police Service. “The one vehicle did have a dash cam video, which is very good quality, and it clearly showed who was at fault in that accident, and the one vehicle did travel through a red light, striking the other one.” 

The WPS stated in its weekly release, sent out Monday, that the driver of the northbound vehicle received a ticket under the Traffic Safety Act for driving without due care and attention. Two occupants of that vehicle were taken to the Weyburn General Hospital for minor injuries, and the driver of the westbound vehicle was treated on the scene.  

 St. John noted the situation could have been worse, which would have elevated the charges. However, there could be some financial issues in this situation. 

“That one’s driver that’s responsible is responsible with SGI for both plates,” the sergeant said. “So, the one driver that isn’t at fault is not out any points, and doesn’t pay any money to get the vehicle replaced.” 

Depending on the circumstances of a collision, there is the possibility of criminal charges, St. John added, noting this incident didn’t meet those conditions.  

“If somebody gets injured very badly, you could look at criminal negligence causing bodily harm or causing death. It all depends on the circumstances.” 

The Weyburn Police Service responded to 85 calls for service last week, resulting in 29 charges. Of those charges, 17 were under the Criminal Code, another nine were under the Traffic Safety Act, and three were under other provincial acts.  
