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A combine makes its way down Highway 35 south of Weyburn

Harvest is in full swing here in southeast Saskatchewan, which means more farming equipment is driving down the road. The sheer size of farming equipment and the slow speed they travel creates a safety hazard on the roads as motorists try to work their way around them. However, as RM of Weyburn reeve Norm McFadden states, both farmers and motorists are quite aware of this hazard. 

“In this area, it's been good in terms of safely passing farming equipment. Both ways farmers and motorists too. In fact for so many years, I think we have just become immune to how well things go. However, some safe practices for farmers if you're driving the combine down the grid, have your hazard and regular lights on. Farmers are generally conscious if a vehicle comes up behind them to find an approach to get off, to let it pass. Motorists lots of times as well will be the first ones to find an approach to let the bigger equipment go past.” 

Encountering farming equipment whether it’s on the highway or on the grid roads is a part of life here in Saskatchewan. However, farmers and motorists must be aware of the risks when these encounters occur. Big equipment means it’s harder to see and drive around. Also, combines, semis and tractors kick up a lot of dust which hinders vision. 

Farmers are also utilizing pilot vehicles to transport big equipment safely down the road. Pilot vehicles are vehicles that can travel either behind or in front to alert other motorists' attention that oversized equipment is approaching.

Bigger machinery also has bigger blind spots meaning combines and semis can’t see you if you’re travelling too close to them. The best course of action is to be aware of the road, your speed, keep a safe following distance and as Norm McFadden says the biggest factor, be patient. 

“The biggest thing I think to stress to everybody is to have patience. Those out there in the combines don’t want to impede traffic just as much as you don’t wish to be impeded. Couple minutes of time isn’t going to change a whole lot.” 

With harvest season in full swing here in Weyburn and surrounding area, it’s important while driving to keep an eye out for farm equipment, stay calm when approaching, and be patient. Most of the time, it’s only on that road for a few minutes before turning into the field. 

Author Alias