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Harvest is being interrupted by occasional rains in the southeast.

Farmers are working through harvest now with crops being plucked from fields across the southeast.

Some interruptions have come up with occasional thunderstorms stalling efforts for combines and other machinery.

Agrologist Edgar Hammermeister says that the month has seen a bit of a rough start for harvest.

"Mother Nature has been a little bit inconvenient for farmers this August. It's been kind of a slow, slow start to harvest because of the frequency of little showers coming through, and sometimes some bad storms. There's areas that have had some bad storms and then the humidity has been high, so the the days have not been quite as productive as what we've experienced the last few years."

While the rain has been slowing down operations it and the humidity have been posing problems for dessication.

"They're coming around, but I think it's associated with all the early season moisture that the crop is taking a little bit longer in finishing out and there's a gradient again in the Estevan area. The West of Estevan toward Weyburn is, I think they were able to start harvesting a little bit earlier, a little bit drier there. These guys are probably in the 30 to 40 per cent complete out there, but in the Alameda area, it's maybe between 20 and 30 per cent. Of course, every different farm will be all different rates."

Hammermeister says that early cereals and some pulses are currently being worked on.

"I think the winter cereals should be done, the winter wheat and fall rye. That should be done by now and a large percentage of the green and yellow peas pulse crops should be at completion or nearing completion. We're really just starting to dip into the cereals here now."

With harvest ongoing Hammermeister reminds drivers to have patience when they encounter farm equipment on the road.

"I', just hoping that the people on the highways and grid roads, as farmers are moving equipment, that they give us a little bit of time and patience to get off as quick as we can."
