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Scarlett handing out lunches yesterday. (Photo by Steven Wilson)

The Salvation Army’s Summer Lunch Program offers free lunches to kids in the community every weekday of the summer holidays. Their truck has been parked in front of St. Micheals School from 11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. handing out one hundred or more lunches every day. 

Yesterday was the last day of the summer lunch program, with many children and parents expressing their appreciation for the program. One of those children is Scarlett Grassing-Wilson, who appreciated the lunches so much, she decided to lend a hand on the last day. 

“They have the goodest food ever. So, I just like them, and I like the people who give them to me.” 

“I love when I get them, and I share with my brother always.” 

She says she likes the summer lunches because “They are very nice and very helpful, and I always see people who I know.” 

Scarlett hopes to help with the summer lunches again next year. 
