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Wynyard football field
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The football field in Wynyard

The Wynyard Bears football team have begun their quest for a six-man provincial championship. 

Last Thursday, the team started practices leading up to their first game.  

Head Coach Ryan Peterson has been pleased with the early efforts from his squad.  

“So far, we’ve had most of the players out that we expected, sometimes at this time of year, it’s tough with some of the players still having work commitments and some of them on the farm.” 

Right now, the Bears roster is around 20 players, with four players from Raymore joining the team in Wynyard. Peterson added they may add a couple of more players when the school year begins next week. Three of those players are heading into their Grade 12 season.  

Peterson said one advantage the Bears have is a returning Quarterback in Kiefer Prisiak.  

“He’s a big contributor, student of the game, he’s always learning, helping out the other groups.” 

Prisiak will also play a big role on defence for the Bears.  

Joining Prisiak in the offensive backfield are Dawson Malinowski and Avery Flahr.  

Another player the Bears will be counting on is Nevin Bencharski, who Peterson describes as a hard-working fierce competitor and is expected to do some heavy lifting for the team this year.  

When it comes to the team goals for the 2024 season, Peterson explains that it begins with the provincial playoffs. To qualify, the Bears must be one of the top two teams in their conference at the end of the regular season.  

If they make the postseason, Peterson feels every week afterwards is a bonus and feels anything could happen in playoffs. 

The Bears open the season on Friday, September 6 in Ituna. Wynyard will begin the year playing their first three games on the road. That’s because there are still ongoing renovations to their football field.  

Some of the work being done to the football field includes underground irrigation, the field has been reseeded and possibly some permanent light fixtures. 

For renovations to be possible, the team received donations from BHP along with the local Kinsmen.  

Peterson also pointed out the efforts of the local volunteers to ensure the improvements of the field to ensure the Bears will have an upgraded playing surface when they open the home portion of their schedule. 

The first home game for the Bears will be on Friday, September 27 when they host Lanigan.

Author Alias