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back to school police
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Photo by Marna McManus of Constable Preston Roy at Legacy Park Elementary School on Tuesday morning.

Today is the first day of school for students in Weyburn, which means more pedestrian and bicycle traffic before and after school, as well as school buses back on the streets.

The coming weeks will be very, very busy. Both the kids returning to school and drivers will have a lot on their mind, and may be distracted. Just drive slow, be alert, and also obey the parking signage," reminded Chief Brent VanDeSype with the Weyburn Police Service. "Parking too close to crosswalks and things like that can obstruct the view and create a very dangerous situation."

He said while there is quite often a police presence in school areas at the start and end of school days, it's increased at the beginning of the school year for good reason.

"When there's that major buzz going on and everybody's anxious and returning to the school, the police are definitely out in the school zones in the school areas generally a lot more than they are on average throughout the year," said VanDeSype. "There's going to be a lot of activity, especially increased pedestrian bicycle traffic as well as drivers out there in the school zone area."

Whether a driver has the right of way or is in the wrong, he emphasized that, in a battle between a vehicle and a pedestrian or bicycle, a vehicle will always win. 

"The key is to avoid that battle," he said. "So we really urge that drivers are very, very cognizant and aware of their surroundings and drive slow and be alert. Pedestrians are to use the crosswalk, some are lighted, and some are not. But of course, there are some [kids] that may just jump out in between vehicles. So it's just very, very important that all drivers are aware and drive slow."

VanDeSype also reminded drivers to be patient while they adjust to the return of school buses as part of the traffic flow.

"The buses are equipped with the flashing lights and the stop sign that comes out and the big yellow barrier that pops out the front, and it's all things that are for pedestrian safety and for kids using the buses. But there are obviously a lot of buses that will be on the streets at that time as well. We ask drivers to just be patient. You'll get to where you're going. It may be 10 or 15 seconds later than normal, but be aware there will be a lot of pedestrian traffic and bicycle traffic."
