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When someone becomes the victim of a crime or perceives themselves as one, they may decide to take matters into their own hands, often turning to social media for answers. 

While this can sometimes help, it’s best to report any suspected crime to police as soon as possible, according to Estevan Police Service Interim Chief Warren Morrical.  

“For us to say that, you know, no one should be out there attempting to solve crimes on their own certainly wouldn't take that position. But the earlier that they can get the police involved to start directing an investigation and ensuring that it's done properly so that it can be seen through, both through the police and through the court system would be the best advice.” 

Adding that the sooner police get involved, the better they can protect the integrity of the case. 

“It allows us to become involved and investigate appropriately and ensure we have the information necessary to either determine that a crime has occurred or that it hasn’t,” Morrical said.  

Some victims may sometimes want to take matters into their own hands and confront the alleged culprit. However, Morrical advises caution in such situations. 

“You don’t want to put your personal safety at risk by confronting someone. What some people don’t consider is that it may negatively impact our ability to investigate,” Morrical said. “We’re in a much better position to safely address the concern with the individual involved and, through the court process, bring it to a resolution.” 
