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Brettyn Rose singing at the seventh inning stretch during the Breast Cancer Awareness game.
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Brettyn Rose singing at the seventh inning stretch during the Breast Cancer Awareness game.

Local Talent Brettyn Rose will have a set at the first-ever concert at Seaman Stadium with the Eagles tribute band Eagle Eyes closing the show.

Not only will Rose perform some of her favourite covers, some unreleased originals, but she will also have another local talent, Chase Morgan, performing with her.

"I'm really excited, Chase and I get to play pretty frequently together, and it's lots of fun because we are together all the time. It's really fun to bounce off each other on stage, and also I love in general to have someone else on stage and calm my nerves too. Especially someone I'm so comfortable with like Chase. He's from the Foothills area, he's from High River. He's got friends and family coming to the show as well," Rose said.

Rose and Morgan plan to play a few songs together and will also showcase their individual talents with some solo tunes.

While it's the first time a concert has been performed at Seaman Stadium, it's nothing new for Rose, who has sung the National Anthem at Dawgs games for the past few years. She explained that she does get nervous before shows, but it's a good feeling because she's passionate about singing and wants to do her best. 

"It definitely feels comfortable and feels at home at Seaman Stadium, and playing in front of a hometown crowd can sometimes be scary in like a good way. I care a lot so I usually always get a bit nervous for shows like that, But because I have been around Seaman Stadium so much and I spend every summer there, I'm really excited to get back there again," she said. 

Rose mentioned that Tyler Hollick the GM of the Okotoks Dawgs approached her last year about the prospect of her performing at the stadium. When talks of a concert at the home of the Dawgs became more concrete, she and Morgan were obvious choices to mark the occasion.

She's been pouring plenty of time into prepping her set list and rehearsing, and while that's not out of the ordinary for Rose, she's looking to make the show particularly memorable for the hometown crowd.

"I definitely want to do my best to build that connection between me and the audience, because when I'm in the audience at a concert I just think that's the best part of the show when an artist can really make that connection and make every person in the audience feel like they are special," Rose said.

That prep work extends even more to her outfit.

"I overthink my outfits a lot, especially for shows because I love my style and I have really been developing my style a lot this year, trying new things, and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I definitely always do prioritize comfort in my show outfits, because I know I will be moving around, I know I don't want to have to worry about anything coming undone. It has got to be beautiful and comfortable," she added.

The concert at Seaman Stadium is set for Saturday (August 31) with the gates opening up at 5:00 pm.