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Before students formally return to the classroom, drivers are reminded to slow down as school zones come back into effect. 

Part of the "Reduced-Speed School Zones By-law," the speed reduction is in effect Monday to Friday from September until the end of June. 

As a result, most streets bordering Winnipeg schools will now have a maximum speed of 30 km/h from 7:00 am until 5:30 pm. This also includes holidays or staff administration days -- including Labour Day Monday, September 2. 

Drivers should notice bright signage to indicate the speed change as they approach a school area.

Those caught speeding in these zones will face a fine starting at $200 and move down two levels on their Driver Safety Rating (DSR) scale. 

According to Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI), it is illegal to pass another moving vehicle in a school area within 15 minutes of either the opening or closing of classes or any time when children are on the school grounds or near the road.
