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Cooper Knox at the station discussing his success playing for Team Saskatchewan. (Photo by Steven Wilson)

Weyburn athlete Cooper Knox was selected to the 15U Team Saskatchewan. He’s back in town after competing in the Ray Carter Cup in Laval Quebec.  

“The experience was once in a lifetime not very many people get the chance to go and show off their showcase skills in a national wide tournament it was awesome.” 

A no hitter was thrown by Team Saskatchewan in the quarter finals against Ontario. In the end they fell 4-2 in the bronze medal game. 

“It was it was tough. It's just, [you’ve] got to be able to time them up when you're in the on deck circle being able to read what they got with off speeds and then once you step into the box, you got to be confident and be able to know and tell yourself that ‘I'm getting on base and I'm going to do whatever I can.’” 

Knox ended up with the second most hits on his team and regards being leadoff hitter for the bronze medal game as his highlight from the experience. 

“It was awesome, it's the adrenaline's pumping and everything, it’s, you're going to set the tone for a bronze medal game.” 

He describes sharing the experience with his fellow teammates. 

“To begin with it was definitely a little shaky, everybody was still starting to get to know each other but as we all started staying in rooms together, we definitely grew a lot we were basically brothers for a week it was awesome.” 

Knox says he hopes to continue on to 18AAA, and eventually play at the colligate level.  

