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Kolten and Keegan riding in front of their mom Tasha while riding in the Great Cycle Challenge.
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Kolten and Keegan Davis riding in front of their mom Tasha while riding in the Great Cycle Challenge.

Kolten and Keegan Davis continued their annual tradition of supporting kids fighting cancer with the Great Cycle Challenge this month.

This is Kolten's fifth year riding for the cause and Keegan's third year with the Great Cycle Challenge. Kolten is seven years old with little brother Keegan at six years old.

Their mother Tasha explained how Kolten helped train Keegan to ride along with him.

"Kolten started it when he was three years old, and he did over 300 km his first year, and over $15,000 he had raised. He was determined that he wanted a buddy to ride with, so he actually taught Keegan how to ride a bike. We go downstairs into our basement, and our basement wasn't finished. Here is Kotlen pushing Keegan on a bike that we had in the basement and trying to teach him how to peddle. So then the next year Keegan rode with Kolten and they started up a little team name. They were called team Rip'n Donuts," Tasha said.

So far they have put up 273.6 KM of their 300 km goal and helped raise $7,409 to help kids fighting cancer. 

They've raised a total of $52,776 since Kolten's first year in 2020.

They are once again riding for their friend Kolton Byerley who has been receiving treatment for Medulloblastoma group 4 after a golf ball-sized tumor was discovered on May 4th, 2022.

This was their third year riding for Kolton.

Click here to help support, donate, and read more about the Great Cycle Challenge.