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The Estevan Comprehensive School's courtyard and hallways will be busy today, as they welcome students and faculty to the first day of classes. (Lemuel Alquino/DiscoverEstevan)

At the start of every school year, there will be the ones embarking on a new journey, and the ones who are getting ready to wrap up their story. For the Estevan Comprehensive School, it's a tale as old as time - grade nine students will start today, while the grade 12's are in their final months before graduation. At last week's barbecue to welcome the new studentsDiscoverEstevan had the chance to talk to teachers and a student to pass along some advice for the upcoming school year. 

"We often say that it can be the best four years of your life if you get involved. I think that for our students that have left, they've had great experiences, not only academics, but extracurriculars. So, we would really encourage all of those great new grade nine students to get involved with a sports team and extracurricular club. Just get involved and it makes the four years go by quickly and it makes it an enjoyable experience," noted Principal James Jones. 

Jones expressed the importance of showing up to school daily. "When you come to school every day, it's setting up to be successful to make sure you get those credits - and we don't want students to fall behind. So, I think positive attendance patterns are something that we can always could work on and make sure students are coming to school. When you come to school, good things happen."

Tammy Podovinnikoff, a teacher at the high school, shared that she's excited for the grade nines to start this year. As she was helping grade nines get set up for their school year, she added that some of the students were nervous to start. "I think they are saying that they're not scared, but they secretly are. They always have a 'deer-in-the-headlights' look, so we'll look for that in the hallway and help them along the way." 

For the first day, Podovinnikoff's advice is simple. "I would say just like know where your period one class is. That's the most important thing on Tuesday. If you can get there, you're set for the rest of the day."

And for advice for the grade 12's departing, it's even simpler. "Start flossing your teeth now. Don't wait until you're old like me."

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ECS Teacher Tammy Podovinnikoff said that she's excited for the incoming grade nine students, as well as the graduating class that's on their way out. she only had two simple advice for the students. (Lemuel Alquino/DiscoverEstevan)

Prysm Gooding has seen both sides of the coin. She's the current Student Representative Council co-president and is an outgoing grade 12 student who's getting ready to leave the school in 10 months. 

"Enjoy your four years at this school and don't be scared and get involved like into the sports, into the clubs, everything like that. It gets you more involved and you have a good time at school. And also, learn."

Gooding shared that she'll be tackling a combined Bachelor of Kinesiology and Education after high school. She said she's excited to finish her last batch of classes because "it's gonna help me in university when I leave". Gooding passed along words of encouragement for her fellow grade 12 graduating class. 

"Let's do it. Let's finish it. Let's actually pay attention this year because we have new things going on at the school. Because of COVID...we had a lot of things backed up. Now that we [are a] couple years ahead of it now,  we are getting soccer and stuff coming back and we can have more activities in the school."

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Student Representative Council co-president Prysm Gooding was advocating for students to sign up for the SRC at last week's barbecue at the ECS. She said that she's excited for the grade 12 class that's graduating in 10 months. (Lemuel Alquino/DiscoverEstevan)

