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The daycare facility is nearing completion. (Photo by Natasha Wiebe)

A daycare is being established in the town of Midale, planning to offer essential childcare to local working parents. Vice President of Midale Daycare Inc. Lana Hoium says the decision to build a daycare in town was based on a survey put out more than two years ago. 

“We had been in contact with the town to see if it was a need for our community. And based on the feedback of day homes in our area being at capacity, we felt we might as well explore the avenue to see if a daycare was an option or a possibility or a need. And so, based on some surveys that went out, we learned that it was definitely a need in our community.” 

Various fundraising efforts have been put toward the facility, alongside donations and a government grant. The building is on its foundation and a play structure and fencing have been installed. Hoium says all that's left is finishing touches on the building, licensing through the ministry, and finishing up with last minute details. There is no definitive opening date, but it is expected to open before the end of the year. 

The facility will host children aged six weeks to eight years old and while no children are officially enrolled, waitlists are full. 

Hoium says the facility will meet a great need and will contribute to the overall growth of the community.  

“It will draw new families to our community and allow our community’s families who are here, to stay here, and hopefully keep their kids closer to home for care. And when they have to transition to the school, it's just a hop, skip and a jump away."
